In the world of retail and consumer packaging, presentation matters. Whether you are showcasing products in-store or delivering them to customers, the right packaging can significantly enhance the cus......
ChipsX: Serving Global Electronics Engineers with Premium Components
In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of electronics, engineers and designers need access to the best components to create cutting-edge technologies. Whether you're working on a revolutionary new gad......
娱美德携手NVIDIA,共同在下一代游戏大作《MIR 5》中推出全新AI BOSS“阿斯特里昂”
近日,韩国知名游戏公司娱美德的全资子公司Wemade Next宣布,正在与全球领先的人工智能和图形技术公司NVIDIA(英伟达)合作,为其下一代重头产品《MIR 5》开发全新的AI BOSS“阿斯特里昂”。
《MIR 5》是基于娱美......
CES2025英特尔Arrow Lake架构来袭,华硕灵耀新品限时预约
随着全球科技界的年度盛宴——国际消费电子展(CES)于1月7日至10日在拉斯维加斯盛大启幕。展会首日,英特尔正式发布基于全新Arrow Lake架构的酷睿Ultra 200H处理器。英特尔发布会现场,首批搭载该处理器产品悉数亮相,其......
2025年1月8日凌晨,华硕于CES2025期间在线上召开“Always Incredible”新品发布会。发布会上,华硕宣布正式推出全新灵耀14 Air、无畏14 2025骁龙版,作为首批搭载高通骁龙新AI处理器笔记本电脑,不仅在性能、续航和A......
“前店后厂 品牌专卖”新阶段!恒昌医药集团旗下江右制药喜获首张A证!
日前,江右制药(常德)有限公司喜获首张药品生产许可证(A证),标志着江右制药从此具备了自主生产药品的法定资格,恒昌医药集团“前店后厂 品牌专卖”战略又向前迈进了一步!
Custom Carbon Fiber Sheets 2mm for UAV Components in Korea
Customize any sizes and any shapes as your requirements
Carbon Fiber sheets has extremely high strength, light weight, with shiny and clear appearance, widely used for many fields. Customized thickne......
Custom cardboard displays for seasonal holiday-themed campaigns
At PackManuf, we specialize in designing and manufacturing custom cardboard display stands tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Whether you're looking for eco-friendly solutions for Ret......
锐龙9000好搭档 华硕AMD B850、B840主板首发
华硕AMD B850/B840系列主板正式上市,在满足性能需求的同时可为玩家带来性价比选择。包括ROG STRIX猛禽、TUF GAMING电竞特工以及PRIME大师三大系列,可全力释放AMD锐龙9000系列处理器潜力。产品阵容涵盖入门到高阶多......